Vegan Cheese box

Stylish 3d-printed fridge box for the cheesiest of your vegan cheeses

No-one wants a dried out cheese. Keep your vegan cheeses fresh, ready-to-eat, and fast-action sliceable for your cheesy sandwich pleasure with this support-free additively manufacturable fridge box.

This vegan cheese fridge box is designed with a typical Violife block in mind but will work equally great for other brands and home brewed cheesiness.

A year of rigorous real-world testing in the harsh Swedish kitchen environment has proven the freshness keeping capabilities of this design.

I have printed and tested this and previous designs using PLA, this sustainable plant based container lasts a long time while keeping our cheeses moist and ready for consumption. If dishwashing is desired, a light hand washing keeps this container fresh and clean. Keep in mind a typical dishwasher cycles gets too hot for regular PLA.